Wednesday 7 March 2012

Pesto Sauce

In a food processor blend 3 cups fresh basil leaves, 4 cloves peeled garlic, 1 & half cups chopped walnuts and quarter cup parmesan cheese, pour in 1 cup olive oil slowly whilst still mixing, add salt & pepper to taste. Use to stir cooked pasta into (microwaved variety if you must save time)!

Try sage pesto instead of  the more traditional italian pesto:

Blend 2 cups loosely packed sage leaves, half cup extra virgin oil, 2 tbsp (30ml) lemon zest, 2 tbsp slivered almonds (or almond paste) 1 tsp sugar, then refrigerate.

Fresh coriander version with garlic, 60g pinenuts, 125ml olive oil, 60g parmesan, black pepper.
If you have more time try this recipe from my Just Food blog to use the home made pesto described above:

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