Thursday 28 December 2017

Tamarind Beef


Tamarind has a sweet and sour flavouring. Grating the veg makes this meal a doddle for ease and quick to make. I used a processor with medium grating attachment but you can easily use a standard hand grater.

Prepare per person:

Peel, top and tail then dice 1 small red onion

1 peeled 1” round of sweet potato and turnip

Grate all of these -

1 topped, tailed, peeled carrot

1 topped, tailed, peeled parsnip

4 garlic cloves

1” piece of fresh ginger


On high hob heat 1 tbsp rapeseed oil in a deep pan and turn the diced onion in it for 1 minute.

Cut into cubes 1 good quality quarter pounder beefburger per person. Put the cubes into the pan with the onion and stir around for 2 minute browning all sides.   

Add the rest of the ingredients all at once and stir for 2 minutes.

In a small bowl add 1tbsp each of dark and light soy sauce and 1 tbsp tamarind sauce then pour over the cooking veg.

Stir for 1 minute. Turn the heat off, put a lid on top and leave for 1 minute.

I like this served with a portion of my crispy Kale
A few of my past favourites:-

Bacon leek broccoli quiche with potato crust pastry

Tomato chutney

Heat 1tbsp oil in a small pan, add half a chopped shallot, 2 medium chopped tomatoes & 1 crushed garlic clove, cook about 6 mins until softened. Add 1tbsp balsamic vinegar & 1tsp brown sugar & cook 5 mins more or until chutney has caramelised slightly. Serve with -
Lamb feta patties

Chicken breast stuffed with goats cheese  

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