Tuesday 19 December 2017

Duck breast with orange / apricot sauce



Orange / apricot sauce:

In a small saucepan mix 4tbsp fresh orange juice, 1 tbsp runny honey, 1 tbsp demerara sugar, 1 tbsp soy sauce, half tbsp grated ginger, 1 chopped dried apricot, 1tsp chopped preserved lemon, 2 fresh orange segments chopped, 1 star anise. Leave to infuse whilst you prepare and cook the meal.


Put a handful of egg noodles into a bowl and just cover with boiling water.


1 duck breast per person with the fat layer intact and score the fat with a sharp knife as if you were going to play a game of naughts and crosses. Season the other side with seasalt and pop into a preheated hot frypan containing 1 tbsp rapeseed oil frying the side with the fat layer first downside in the pan. Leave for 3 minutes.  Keep the pan hot and turn the duck over to fry the other side for 2 minutes. Spoon the rendered fat over the duck for 10 seconds.


Remove the duck from the pan.


Put the orange sauce on a hob using simmer setting to warm through the orange sauce whilst cooking the veg.


(NB if you prefer drain off the rendered duck fat and trim the duck fat off the meat and use a low saturated oil but the duck fat gives more taste):


Using the rendered duck fat add the precut veg in order

1 shallot peeled and cut into long thin slices, stir for 2 minute.


Half inch round of swede prepared as ribbons by using a veg peeler and cutting in thin circle rounds.

Long thin ribbons slices from 1 peeled carrot, stir for

1 large floret of broccoli thinly sliced

1 thinly sliced mushroom

1 tbsp small cubed aubergine, stir all for 2 minutes


Stir in the drained egg noodles.


Remove the star anise from the orange sauce and pour the orange mixture evenly over and stir in.

Return the duck to the centre of the pan, fat scored side up, turning the heat down to med / low. Spoon juices over the duck, turn the heat off then leave for 2 minutes with a lid on before finally serving.

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ot pepper thick kangaroo steaks with pan fried maple pepper veg


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Kangeroo steaks with rosemary garlic butter

Ostrich steak with onion bhaji

Baked chicken bell peppers

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