Friday 8 September 2017

Roasted veg pasta bows

Dice 1 onion, finely chopped 2 sundried tomatoes, grate 2 carrots, peel and dice half a bulb of garlic, dice 4 mushrooms (any variety).

Place in a baking dish and sprinkle over 1 tbsp basil, 1 tbsp olive oil, salt and white pepper. Sprinkle over 2 tsp cornflour and top with 1 can of chopped tomatoes.

Wash half a small butternutsquash, remove seeds and set aside and cut squash into cubes. Place in a separate baking dish with 1 tbsp oil, 1 tsp hot paprika, 1 tsp dried cumin.

Put both baking dishes in a 180 fan oven and bake for 20 minutes. Put the butternutsquash seeds into another dish and sprinkle over 1 tsp paprika and 1 tsp oil. Bake all for another 10 minutes.

The last 15 minutes of this baking time cook a handful of pasta bows in half pint of boiling salted water.

Drain the pasta. Put the sauce into a serving bowl, add the pasta and 1tbsp pesto turn pasta around to coat the bows’ indents. Serve with the roasted  butternusquash cubes top with the seeds.

My latest post in my Spaniel Quotes for Life blog:

What I learned in August 2017 - Real love is accepting a person as they are, not as you want them to be

My September poems:

Impossible hope, impossible dreams by Rosemary Ditchburn 

I really wished thebest for you by Rosemary Ditchburn

Good living by Rosemary Ditchburn

What a Shame, town by Rosemary Ditchburn

Butt by Rosemary Ditchburn

Kilt or shorts by Rosemary Ditchburn

Bake by Rosemary Ditchburn

Stupid o’ clock by Rosemary Ditchburn

My most read August poem:-

When friends are better than lovers by Rosemary Ditchburn

My August 2017 poems

My most read July poem:

Neighbourly strangers by Rosemary Ditchburn

My July 2017 poems:

My most read poems in June 2017:
Listen to that, it smells like the colour of red wine by Rosemary Ditchburn

Doh Feelings by Rosemary Ditchburn
June 2017 poems

My most read poem in May 2017:
was a bud yesterday by Rosemary Ditchburn
May 2017 poems: 
My most read poem in April 2017:
life in their hands by Rosemary Ditchburn
April 2017 poems
My most read poem in March 2017:
Destined to be someone who does by Rosemary Ditchburn
March 2017 poems 
My most read poem in February 2017:
bananas holdings hands by Rosemary Ditchburn
February 2017 poems
My most read poem in January 2017:
day after the eve before by Rosemary Ditchburn
January 2017 poems
My most read 2016 poem:

To wassail or not to wassail by Rosemary Ditchburn
My year 2016 poems
Poems wot I wrote

My most read poems wot I wrote poems:
I was a 1960's
Northumberland child by Rosemary Ditchburn
Pill popping
damages your health by Rosemary Ditchburn
It's a cocktail bar now by Rosemary Ditchburn
Father to
child to father by Rosemary Ditchburn
fingers or none by Rosemary Ditchburn
Someone who is not now there by Rosemary Ditchburn
2 preludes to this poem -
Don't let life's
painful history drag you down by Rosemary Ditchburn
dad's the best. Anyone remember him by Rosemary Ditchburn

missing people choir (A poem for them) by Rosemary Ditchburn


My quick snacks blog -

September recipes –

Roasted veg pasta bows

Mackerel Fillet Layer

Lemon & Rosemary Fried Brown Rice

August recipes –

Banana Fudge Muffins

Banana Tofu Mousse

Spelt Dahl

Brunch bake

Korean BBQ tofu and duck breast

Baked Sweet Potato Rosti

Baked Gammon n veg medley

Popular recipes:

Pulled pork salad with goat's cheese dressing

Lamb stir fry with home-made Teriyaki sauce

Crispy half duck with hoisin sauce

Jasmine chorizo fried rice

King prawn sweet potato rogan josh

Quorn Jasmine Rice  What is quorn?

Chilli quorn stir fry


My latest pudding recipes No butter chocolate pudding

Lemon drizzle muffins

Giant lemon pancake n Maple Syrup Dessert


If you want to know more about tofu check out
Check out my recipe Mushroom Tofu
another of my recipes
Tofu in pulses

Tofu n sweet potato lasagne


Spot the dog 2017 (just a bit of fun)


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