Wednesday 14 February 2018

Chilli peppers with oyster mushrooms


Put a handful of oyster mushrooms in a baking dish and brush with oil.

Rinse one yellow and one red bell pepper. Cut into quarters and remove the seeds and white pith. Brush with oil and place cut side down in the baking dish. Roast in a 180 fan / 200 C / Gas 6 preheated oven for 15 minutes. At the same time :-

Heat 100ml salted water in saucepan and add the following precut veg and condiments:

Half a diced leek

2 tbsp kale with stems removed

1 tbsp mixed quinoa

1tsp each of green and red lentils

1 tsp bulghur wheat

2 diced garlic cloves

2 tbsp diced aubergine

1 tsp easy chillies in white wine vinegar

1 tbsp tomato puree

Bring to the boil and reduce heat to low / med for 10 minutes cooking with a lid on.

Add 10 sugar snap peas, replace the lid, bring back up to the boil, lower heat simmer level and cook for a further 5 minutes.

Turn both oven and hob heat off and wait 5 minutes until serving the peppers topped with the veg mixture and a grating of parmesan cheese.

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