Wednesday 24 January 2018

Asian spiced squid n roasted peppers


Rinse, cut the stems off, remove seeds and slice a section off each to make a cavity in 1 each of red, green and yellow bell peppers. Rinse each under the tap to remove any remaining seeds. Brush the peppers with oil and roast cut side down for 15 minutes at 180 fan / 200f. Turn the peppers over so the open side is upright, brush with oil and roast for a further 5 minutes.

Meantime add to a saucepan 200g can of chopped tomatoes, 1 tsp lime juice, 2 tbsp giant couscous, 1 tsp turmeric and 1 tsp cumin, 2 tbsp tomato puree Bring to the boil then turn heat down to simmer for 15 minutes to thicken whilst the peppers are roasting. Add 150g fresh squid.  (Ask your fishmonger to clean and cut into small rings). Just by laying them on top of the cooking ingredients and leave to simmer another 5 minutes with a lid on.

Serve by spooning the above mixture into the open cavities of the peppers. Add a handful of rinsed spinach leaves or rocket if you prefer in between the peppers then roughly chop all the ingredients together.  Serves 2.
Sweet and sour black tiger king prawns

Bacon chop with leek / pear topping

Baked stuffed squash

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