Sunday 14 May 2017

Steamed minced pork with sweet potato / turnip mash

Steamed minced pork with sweet potato / turnip mash

It's easy to make a steamed low calorie meat dish and by using reduced fat mince and with these strong flavoured vegetables you can even omit salt with this tasty dish.

As the meat is reduced fat there will be no runny fat draining into the lower tier vegetables.

I used a food processor, firstly cutting the veg into thick strips and used a shredder attachment to slice them thin which will also reduce cooking time. You can easily shred prepare by hand if you want to.

Of course wash all veg before preparing to cook.

Using a three tier steamer place half pint boiled water into the first tier.

In the second tier place 4oz shredded turnip and sweet potato slices.

In the third tier add in layers as follows:

Shredded 4" piece of leek, 1 carrot,.

On top of that add 4oz 15% fat pork mince (it doesn't have to be separated as it will do this as it is cooking),.

4 whole button mushrooms,

3 peeled whole cloves of garlic,

1 shallot peeled and sliced lengthways,

2 mediem sized broccoli florets,

2 oz whole washed spinach leaves.

Place the lid on top and bring to the boil. Reduce heat to medium and steam for 20 minutes.

Mash the cooked sweet potato and turnip and serve alongside all other ingredients.

Retain the cooking water to use as stock for another dish.

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