Tuesday 10 May 2016

Heuvos Rancheros


Hot, spicy and delicious. (serves 1)

Dice half an onion and 2" piece of leek. Brush a deep frying pan with oil and fry them over medium heat until softened (about 4 minutes).

Add 2 bay leaves, 2 crushed garlic cloves, 1tsp smoked paprika, pinch cayenne, 1tsp dried chilli flakes, 1tsp fennel seeds, 1 tsp red pesto, 1tsp garlic powder, 1 diced fresh chilli, and half a red and half a yellow bell pepper cut in rough chunks, 2 chopped sundried tomatoes, 10 green olives (the paprika stuffed ones), 2 diced closed cup mushrooms and 1" round of diced aubergine, 100ml water (omit water if you like a thicker sauce). Cook for 2 minutes.

Add 1 tin of tomatoes (400g if you want to use fresh tomatoes), salt and cracked black pepper. Bring to boil then simmer for 10 minutes with a lid on.

Meantime make guacamole:

Put the flesh of 1 advocado into a bowl and mash with a fork, add half tbsp extra virgin oil and the juice of half a lime, 1 diced spring onion, 1tsp fresh chives, coriander and salt and pepper. Mix.

After the 10 minutes. Make a well in the centre of the hob mixture and crack an egg into it careful not to break the yoke. Replace the lid and leave for 4 minutes, serving immediately (as the egg will continue cooking) onto a plate of washed baby spinach. Sprinkle over 1tsp dried coriander, some grated cheese and small diced spring onion for crunch. Add the guacamole and enjoy.

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