Thursday 17 March 2016

Poached smoked haddock with new potatoes

This is one of the simplest but tastiest dishes that is so easy and cheap to make.

One knob of butter and 1tsp rapeseed in a deep frying pan using moderate heat. Add fine diced half an onion and a 3 inch piece of leek turning whilst cooking for 2 mins. Finely dice 6 new baby potatoes and add to the onion mixture with freshly ground black pepper and pinch salt cooking for 2 mins with a lid on.

Add just enough milk to cover the food in the frying pan then place a smoked haddock fillet skin side down in the middle of the frying pan turning the heat down to simmer level. Place 2 tbsp frozen peas and green beans around the fish and add 2tbsp fresh chopped parsley. Lid on and simmer for 10mins. Serve with a sprinkling of finely chopped spring onions.

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