Dice 100g parma ham (streaky bacon or gammon can also be used).
Dice 2 spring onions, 1 small red chilli, 1 roasted red pepper (drained from a jar), 3 grated garlic cloves, 1 tbsp chopped basil / parsley. Snip a small handful of salad watercress from a growing pot.
Measure 2 tbsp cooked black eyed beans from a jar and rinse off the thick white paste.
Boil water and quarter tsp salt in a wide saucepan (just enough to cover a large handful of your favourite pasta). When it reaches boiling point add the pasta, bring back to the boil.
Lower the heat and cook for 10 minutes. This may take a bit longer if you choose larger pasta shells. I used wholemeal pasta spirals.
Meantime heat 1 tbsp oil on high heat and stir in the parma ham, stirring continuously until nice and crisp. Remove from the pan.
Add the spring onions to the same pan and fry for 2 minutes followed by the chilli, red peppers and cook a further 2 minutes. Add the grated garlic, cook for 1 minute then stir in 2 tbsp creme frache and 2 tbsp cooked black eyed beans and half the crisped parma ham. Stir for 2 minutes to make a nice thick sauce.
Drain the cooked pasta and stir into the sauce with the basil / parsley.
Serve 1 topped with grated cheddar cheese, salad watercress and the remainder of the crisped parma.
Sour dough prawn scramble
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