Wednesday 22 February 2017

Chick Pea Quinoa

Dice 1 shallot, half a red onion, 3 mushrooms, a handful of broccoli and 1 celery stalk.

Drizzle your cook pan with 1 tsp chilli oil and heat on medium heat. Add the diced veg and cook for 1 minute. Add 3 diced garlic cloves and stir 1 minute.

In a small dish mix together 10 fresh grinds each of black peppercorns, garlic & chilli salt combination and garlic and herb combination. 1 tsp oregano, quarter tsp each of cumin and turmeric. Pour over veg, stir and cook for 1 minute.

Add 1 cup of vegetable stock, half a cup of quinoa,1 can drained chick peas, and a handful of washed spinach.

Place a lid on the cook pan, turn the heat down and cook for 25 minutes.

Serve with a grating of mature cheddar cheese over the top and with whole washed pak choi which makes a great 'spoon' or 'parcel' to eat this.

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