Thursday 23 June 2016

Roasted garlic, szechuan pepper stir-fry

Prepare all of this first before starting to stir-fry:

Wrap 1 full garlic bulb in foil and roast for 15 mins in 180 fan oven (200 C). Cut the hard root off and squeeze the baked garlic from the other end, discard the peel.

Bowl 1:

Snip the ends from 6 green beans and cut each bean into quarters.

Thin slice 2 broccoli florets.

Thin slice half a yellow onion.

Half a green diced chilli with seeds if you like it hot and spicy.

Bowl 2:

Cut a portion of chunky cod into 4 equal pieces, sprinkle with salt (this will keep the fish from falling apart) and zest of 1 orange NB: any chunky fish or meat will do for this stir fry.

Bowl 3:

Mix 1tsp oyster sauce, 1tsp fish sauce, 1 tsp balsamic vinegar, 1tsp szechuan peppers, freshly ground black pepper.

Bowl 4:

Half a cucumber then using a peeler, peel long strips the length of that cucumber (only the peel is used for the stir-fry, so fridge remainder of cucumber). 2 tbsp frozen broad beans and the roasted garlic.

Thin slice 3 close cupped mushrooms.

Bowl 5:

1 handful of baby spinach (washed).

Heat the hob medium hot maintaining medium heat throughout cooking time. Brush the wok with oil. When hot enough to fry add contents of bowl 1 and stir-fry for 2 minutes. Put the Lid on the wok leave for 1 minute. Remove lid and turn the ingredients together 1 minute then add the contents of bowl 2 (fish OR meat) gently turning 1 minute. Lid on 1 minute.

Lid off, add contents of bowl 3. Lid on 1 minute. Lid off turn ingredients 1 minute.

Lid off, heat off, add contents of bowl 4 and bowl 5. Lid on and leave 3 minutes.

Plate up and sprinkle over 1 tsp sesame seeds before serving.

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