Friday 9 October 2015

Baked Meat Slice (meatzza)

Mix together 500g mince, 2 eggs, 3 tbsp breadcrumbs (made from 2 slices bread if home made), 2 crushed garlic cloves, 3tbsp chopped parsley, 1tbp english mustard. Bind but don't overmix. Press gently into a greased bake tin. Sprinkle over 2 handfuls of grated cheese. Drain a can of chopped tomatoes using the tomatoes add 1tsp garlic oil and oregano, pinch salt. Spread evenly over the meat. There is 4 oblong portions, in each portion evely place 2 green olives and thin sliced chorizo.

Long slice 125g mozarello, arrange on each portion. Bake 20 - 25 mins, 200 fan, sprinkle with basil to serve 4.

For a main meal, whislt meat slice is cooking steam together portions of broccoli, large carrot batons and whole leaf pointed cabbage for 15 minutes to serve alongside.

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