Tuesday 23 June 2015

Bacon Leek & Broccolli Quiche with Potato crust pastry

My first try. It takes a little while to prepare but worth it;
it was scrumdelicious:

Grate 2 large uncooked baking potatoes (4 cups). Add half a chopped onion, 1 lightly beaten egg, half tsp salt and 12 level tbs plain flour (1 cup).

Press into a well greased 10" deep pie dish. Bake 400F/180 fan for 20 mins. Prepare filling whilst this is cooking - Mix together 6oz grate cheese (1 cup), half a small chopped leek, 8oz small diced bacon ( lightly cooked first in a frying pan (1.5cups)), 4tbs small chopped broccoli (l.5 cups).

Remove potato crust from oven after the 20 mins, reduce oven to 350F/160 fan and add above filling to the pie crust. Mix 3 lightly beaten eggs; add 4tbs natural yoghurt or half cream/half milk (1 cup), half tsp salt, dash of each white pepper, nutmeg, dried parsley and dried sage. 
 Pour over filling above and sprinkle over some paprika. Bake 35-40mins or until a knife put in the centre of the pie comes out clean. 

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